Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's not as bad as it looks. In fact, it's amazing.

There are some foods that just look disgusting. When I was in college, a friend of mine insisted on eating sausage gravy and biscuits every time we went out for breakfast.  I could barely stand to look at it, and I never, ever entertained the idea of trying it. Lumpy wallpaper paste looked more appetizing.
However, I have been converted. It happened strictly out of politeness.  I was a guest at someone’s home, they proudly served it as a special treat for breakfast, and I have better manners than to turn up my nose at someone else’s cooking.  And now, all I can say is, “Yum!”
My favorite variation involves that scrumptious pairing of pork and apples. While the crumbled sausage is frying, I add some apples slices and shallots, and sauté until everything is caramelized. A little black pepper and thyme go into the mix, and then a sprinkling of flour to make the roux.  Milk or half and half is added to make the gravy, and I let the whole thing simmer while the biscuits bake. I’m a Bisquick girl (or rather, the Aldi version of Bisquick,) while my mom swears by the rolls of refrigerated biscuits from Walmart. A Southern friend of hers tipped her off to the Walmart biscuits, and Mom claims that no one has more authority on the subject of biscuits than a gal from the South.
I love this breakfast when it’s chilly, and I know I have a long day ahead of me. It’s one of those “sticks to your ribs” kind of meals, and feels both decadent and folksy. I've been converted.

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