Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blueberry Quinoa Salad

When Hannah left for camp, and Geoff and Pete took off for the UP, I had big plans to be the healthiest person alive for a week. Or at least not to revert to the self who lives on beer, toast, and popcorn when left to her own devices. I even planned ahead, to some degree. I hard boiled six eggs, and made a pot of quinoa, thinking that at least I had some healthy protein at the ready, for salads, or just on its own.

The eggs just sat in their bowl in the fridge, while I ate Poptarts, instead. Finally, I took one to have with lunch at work. The quinoa sat in its saucepan, quietly judging me each time I opened the refrigerator to get more ranch dressing to dip my chips in.

Then I went blueberry picking, and everything changed. Sometimes, it just takes one healthy, fresh food item to get you back. One of my girlfriends and I spent an hour or so out at one of the local farms last night, and I ended up with enough berries to freeze six pints, which isn’t a whole lot, not nearly enough to get through the winter, so I’ll be going back, but it was enough to make for a lovely, not-too-stressful evening.

This morning, the berries I hadn’t frozen were staring at me when I opened the fridge, just daring me not to do something with them. “Can’t you do any better than ‘sprinkled on yogurt or cereal’?” they seemed to taunt. And so I did.

Blueberry Quinoa Salad

1 cup cold cooked quinoa

½ chopped walnuts

2 cups blueberries

¼ crumbled goat cheese

¼ cup Newman’s Own Raspberry Walnut vinaigrette

I love this kind of thing because it’s easy to substitute in whatever you have in your refrigerator or pantry. I’m thinking tomorrow’s variation will contain quinoa, black beans, avocado, and a squeeze of lime juice. (And perhaps whatever else the garden or refrigerator throw at me.)


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